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Executive Management

Serge Verreault, BA, MBA

Serge Verreault, BA, MBA

President and CEO

Mr. Verreault brings over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Alain Dugal

Alain Dugal

VP, Manufacturing & Logistics

Mr. Dugal brings over 25 years of experience in Operations.

François Lafortune, MSc, MBA

François Lafortune, MSc, MBA

Executive VP & General Manager

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Jose DaRocha, CPA, CA

Jose DaRocha, CPA, CA

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. DaRocha is an accomplished finance executive with over 25 years of experience.

Ivonne Medina

Ivonne Medina

VP, Business Development

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Wade Hull, MEng, MBA

Wade Hull, MEng, MBA

VP, Research & Development

Mr. Hull brings over 20 years of experience in medical device and pharmaceutical development.

Isabelle Villeneuve

Isabelle Villeneuve

VP, Strategy, Quality and Innovation

A recognized leader in innovation and market intelligence, Isabelle has developed and formulated over 500 over-the-counter (“OTC”) and cosmetic products in Canada, Europe and the United States.

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